Purpose of the game
Overall purpose
The objective of this serious game is to improve your clinical reasoning through clinical cases. This cases are created and reviewed by specialists in physiotherapy.
Some cases are certified by specialists : you can see the Petrha seal next to it.
You can filter the cases by difficulty, type (training or exam) and themes.
After your launched a case, you will have to follow 3 steps : investigation, diagnosis and goals for the patient.
Your performance will be measured by a scoring system.
Step 1 : investigation
Once you start a clinical case, the timer starts counting and you are given action points to note the most relevant information, which will be reported in the notepad by clicking on the “Note info” button. Keep in mind that doing so, you will use action points and you won’t be able to undo it.
Beware that if you spend all your credit points, you won’t be able to note any more information.
During the investigation step, you will have to collect the information you think is important for the diagnosis and the goals.
It is divided into three parts :
Patient data
Clinical data is listed in this step : expectations, personal information, antecedents, …
In this part, you can search information by using keywords, and access information you may not have found in the patient data.
Tips :
- You can access keywords by typing at least 3 letters
- When you access a keyword, several questions related to that keyword are displayed
Clinical exam
You can conduct a clinical exam, and have access to tests and scales for your patient.
For some exams, you will be able to use a body chart to find specific information about a part of the body.
Before going to the next step, you should check in the notepad if you selected all the relevant information because you won’t be able to return to the investigation step.
Step 2 : diagnosis
In this step, you will categorize the most relevant information you collected in the notepad into the following categories :
- 2 Participation restrictions
- 3 impairments
- 3 activity limitations
- 2 positive Environmental factors
- 2 negative Environmental factors
Then you will have to prioritize them.
Tips :
- We recommend that you select all the expected items for every available category. If you don’t, you won’t be able to reach the maximum score for this step (ie : select two items for Participation restrictions, not just one)
- Ordering the items is a part of the score for this step
- If two items seem to be of equal relevance, you can order them as you want : if you are right, you will get the points no matter the order
Step 3 : goals
You will have to choose for your patient:
- 3 initial goals
- 2 intermediate goals
- 1 final goal
For each one, you will have to indicate :
- the item from the diagnosis related to this goal
- a description of the goal in your own words
- a verb and a function to describe the goal
There is not always a single solution and you may be able to reach the highest score with different possibilities.
Scoring system
Investigation :
- the investigation score is based on the relevance of the items you collected in the notepad
- to reach the highest score for this step, you should use all the action points available. You won’t get a better score by keeping action points, so use them all !
Diagnosis :
- The score for this step is based on three factors :
- choose the 12 most relevant items among those available in your notepad
- assign them to the correct category
- in each category, order the items by relevance
- Sometimes, several items in a category may have a similar relevance. In this case, the order you give for these items doesn’t matter
Goals :
- Indicate 1 final goal, 2 intermediate goals and 3 initial goals (every goal is obligatory : you have to give 6 goals)
- The score for this step is based on 2 points :
- the item you select for the goal has to match with the goals selected by the teacher
- the item you chose must be the most relevant from the list of items in your diagnosis